
"This is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it
is, perhaps, the end of the beginning. "


Dr. M is a freak. He is obsessed with becoming No.1. Do not argue with
this fact because he did become no.1. And he did made Malaysia No.1 in
few categories. Question is do the rest share his obsession?

FOSS gave me that big break. But it was uncanny. What is FOSS? How do we
take it? How do we exploit it? It needs a rethink of the chess board.
This is a new weapon of the 21st century. It has gaps. At least for us

Dr. Mahathir has told us that "Yes, we can" without the exclamation mark of Obama years
after him. Mahathir said "Malaysia Boleh" when we never and still cannot
keep our head above water. He was blamed for every failure and forgotten
for every success.
"What is stopping you?". Poverty and failures
may numb my skull. But it cannot prevent an idea whose time has come.

It is time to take our position as No.1

You lead, and if you cannot lead, then you follow. And if you cannot
follow, then get out of my way.


Getting a lot of people to hate you is easy-all you have to do is become really successful at doing something you love
I feel it allows me to articulate my deepest emotions in all its sincere honesty-- raw and pristine-- free from restraints, inhibitions and apprehension. An amazing vehicle to reach out in a way where language's inherent boundaries-- sadly-- sometimes-- if not often-- limit us.
Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder


"We know what we are, but we know not what we may become"